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Patient survey questionnaire

Patient Survey Questionnaire
Do you find the receptionists are helpful? *
How easy is it to get through to receptionist on the phone? *
Do you know how to contact the out of hour GP service when the surgery is closed? *

Please see our Receptionists for further information

Do you know that rather than attending casualty Summerfield Urgent Care Centre will see you 8.00 am to 8.00pm Monday to Sunday without appointment? *
How well did the Doctor / Advanced Nurse Practitioner / Allied Healthcare professionals listen to your needs? *
How well did the Doctor / Advanced Nurse Practitioner / Allied Healthcare professionals involve you in your treatment options? *
How satisfied were you with the consultation with the clinician? *
How are you finding consultations on the phone / video calls? *
Before you tried to get this appointment, did you do any of the following?
Do you have any long-term physicial or mental health conditions, disabilities or illness? *
Long term means anything lasting or expected to last for 12 months or more.
How confident are you that you can manage any issues arising from your conditions (or conditions)? *
Do you feel your needs were met during your last general practice appointment? *
Overall how would you describe your experience at this surgery? *
How likely are you to recommend our GP practice to your friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment? *
Did you know that the surgery has a virtual patient participation group? *
Would you like to join the Virtual Patient Participation Group as we are looking for new members? *
Sex: *
How old are you? *
Please specify the ethnic group you consider you belong to: *
Employment status: *