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Privacy policy- Easy to read version

This policy is about what happens to the information that the practice collects about you whenever you come to see us. It also tells you how we make sure it is kept safe.

What do we collect?

We collect information about you such as:

  • Your name
  • Why you are coming to see us
  • Your birthday and the year you were born
  • Your address
  • The name of the person who will generally bring you to your appointments
  • The reason that you are coming to see us
  • Detailed clinical information/experiences about you
  • What we do to care for you

Why do we collect it?

The practices main purpose is to deliver healthcare to the community. We collect the data we need to care for you in the best way. We ask for your address so that we know where we can contact you. We ask for your date of birth as your age may be important to your care.

Each time you come to see us we will record things electronically that you tell us, things that we tell you and any medicines or exercises we give you. That way, we can look back at what we have done for you to make sure we are treating you in the best way.

What do we do with it?

We keep the information we collect electronically and on paper. All of this information together is called your health record and will be held on our secure system.

Anyone involved in caring for you at the practice can see what has been collected. This way we can all make the right decisions about your care with all the information you have given us.

Who we share it with

We will share the information we record about you where it is clinically appropriate and will benefit your care and treatment. That way key people involved in your care are kept up to date on what we are doing for you.

If you tell us something that makes us worried about your safety or the safety of someone else you know, we might have to share this with other people outside of the practice, even if you don’t want us to. This is part of our job to keep you and others safe.

Keeping your records safe

Everyone working in the practice understands that they need to keep your information safe. This is called keeping your information confidential or protecting your privacy. They have training every year to remind them of this. We tell them that they are only allowed to look at your information if they are involved in your care or required to support your care, for example by booking an appointment for you. They understand that they must keep any information safe, especially the information that identifies you; this might be your name or address and anything you come to see us about.

We are not allowed to give any of this type of information to anyone who shouldn’t see it. This includes talking to them about it.

We teach future doctors and nurses

Students sometimes spend time with us at the practice. This is so that we can teach them how to look after patients and their families. They are also told how to keep the information we collect safe.

Checking we are doing our best

All practices are checked by organisations to make sure they are treating and caring for patients and families in the best way they can. They also ensure that we are keeping records safe and secure.

Am I able to see the information you collect about me?

Yes! You can request this directly from the practice. We will check you are who you say are so that we are not sharing your information with anyone who shouldn’t see it.

If I think some of my information is wrong can I do anything about it?

Yes! You can contact any member of the practice who will speak to our data protection officer. We may need to contact you further to discuss this.

If I’m unhappy with the way you’ve used some of my information can I do anything?

Let us know if your still unhappy you can contact the Information Commissioners Office at the below address.

Wycliffe House
Water Lane

01625 545745


We hope this leaflet tells you what you need to know about the information we collect about you.

Caldicott Guardian and data protection officer

The Caldicott Guardian and the data protection officer for the practice are responsible for ensuring that information about you is processed in a confidential, legal and appropriate manner.

If you have any concerns about the use of your information you can contact these individuals at the address below:

Data protection officer

Umar Sabat –

Page published: 27 November 2024
Last updated: 27 November 2024